A visionary master between anime and videogames

Yoshitaka Amano

In Rome from March 28 to October 12, 2025


The largest official Western exhibition to celebrate 50 years of the visionary Shizuoka master's work.

More than 200 works from Amano’s Tokyo studios tell the story of animation and entertainment worldwide.

From Tatsunoko to Final Fantasy, via Vogue; a journey of pure visual and narrative art that brings different generations into one place.

A scenographic layout in four sections, enhanced with objects and videos, will lead you to discover techniques, visions, forms and iconic works that are by now imprinted in the collective imagination. The Palazzo Braschi event is rendered even more unique by the original works, never before exhibited in Italy, realted to Yoshitaka Amano’s collaboration with the celebrated Michael Moorcock, one of the world’s most important masters of fantasy literature, author of Elric of Melnibonè. Visitors will be able to see the coming together of the two great masters, the meeting of visual and narrative imagery, in six plates that show the genesis of the inspiration that later guided Sensei in the creation of the Final Fantasy works.

The exhibition, conceived and developed by Lucca Comics & Games and curated by Fabio Viola, is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali with the organisational support of Zètema.

dal 28 marzo 2025 al 12 ottobre 2025
Da Martedì a Domenica: ore 10.00 > 19.00
Giorni di chiusura: lunedì, 1 maggio
Ultimo accesso: 1 ora prima della chiusura.

Biglietto “solo Mostra” intero: 13€
Biglietto “solo Mostra” ridotto: 11€

Museo di Roma a Palazzo Braschi, Piazza San Pantaleo 10, Roma

The life of

Yoshitaka Amano

Creator of contemporary mythologies, a bridge between the far East and the European art of the Twentieth Century.

Yoshitaka Amano has carved out for himself a unique place in the contemporary art scene.
Amano’s works can be found in the pages of a manga, in the animation of a cartoon, but also in the world’s most important art galleries, always exhibiting the fantasy and ethereal features that have distinguished 50 years of production.
His drawings have entered the homes of billions of people around the world in the form of graphic novels such as Vampire Hunter D and The Sandman, visuals for major brands such as Vogue and DC Comics, iconic video games such as Final Fantasy, anime and animated films that the 70s and 80s generations grew up with, such as Gatchaman, Pinocchio, Hurricane Polymar, Yatterman and Time Bokan, but also as theatre sets and book illustrations.



Yoshitaka Amano

The timeline


The Tatsunoko Years


The exhibition opens with the character room, a literal diorama of The Boy from Shizuoka. References to the beginning of Amano's training are rendered with a traditional and biographical iconography, made up of fragments of memory that can be glimpsed as memories of the years spent at Tatsunoko (1967-1982): the legendary Japanese animation studio where Amano contributed to the birth of iconic cartoons that were broadcast all over the world.
Here you can admire visuals linked to productions that have entered the lives of millions of people such as Hurricane Polimar, Gatchaman, Tekkaman, Pinocchio, The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee, Time Bokan and many others. Diving into the origins of the Shizuoka master, we see Amano's first steps as an independent artist: cult objects that have accompanied the sensei in his artistic career will be on show for the first time.
His career, which started in the early 1980s, is also characterised by work for hundreds of book covers. These were the years of the first international successes with the plates created for Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D and the strong visual experimentation represented by the animated film Angel's Egg, made with Mamoru Oshii. The works in this space are the ‘blueprints’ of what was later to be the production that would consecrate Amano worldwide.
Stepping into western pop culture


The second section, called Icons, is dedicated to the celebration of Yoshitaka Amano's entry into western pop culture. Here visitors can see the original plates for Sandman: The Dream Hunters, born of the collaboration with Neil Gaiman in 1999. This section also hosts the alternative covers created for unforgettable American comics such as Batman, Batgirls, Superman, Harley Quinn, Elektra and Wolverine, and many others.
Three special sound showers will display the card from Magic: The Gathering, the poster of The Shape of Water that Amano designed for the release of the film in the Japanese market, and the cover of a David Bowie record, each accompanied by its own soundtrack. The journey resumes with Candy Girls, a gallery of illustrated and mirrored portraits.
Art in Video Games with Final Fantasy


Here you may see all the original acrylic-on-paper drawings by Yoshitaka Amano for the series that changed the role-playing game genre forever. A long excursus with plates showcasing almost forty years of the Square Enix masterpiece, from the first chapter in 1987 to Final Fantasy XVI. The parallel exhibition of the final packaging and the original design makes it possible to trace the evolution of the logos and cover images.
Numerous iconic characters from the saga, born from the vision of the Japanese master, are on display here. Other video games that have seen the sensei at work will also be on display.
Art without borders


The Free Spirit section represents Amano's artistic coming of age. Displayed here for the first time are three new works by the master, telling the story of his latest experiences and inspirations, and linked to his relationship with Greek and Roman mythology.
The works collected in this sections come from museums all over the world. Our journey continues with another narrative, that of the relationship of the Master of Shizuoka with Lucca Comics & Games 2024: the trilogy of official posters in homage to Puccini created by the Maestro and dedicated respectively to Tosca, Madama Butterfly and Turandot, which earned him the title of Ambassador of the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka.
Plan your visit


€ 13.00


€ 11.00



All documents entitling to a price reduction or a free gift will be checked by the staff


  • €18.00 full double ticket for residents of Rome who do not have a ‘MIC Card’ of which €9.50 for the Exhibition and €8.50 for the Museum
  • €14.00 reduced double ticket for residents of Rome who do not have a ‘MIC Card’; of which €7.50 for the Exhibition and €6.50 for the Museum
  • €21.00 full double ticket for non-residents of Rome; of which €10.00 for the Exhibition and €11.00 for the Museum
  • €15.00 reduced double ticket for non-residents of Rome; of which €7.50 for the Exhibition and €7.50 for the Museum
  • €4.00 special school ‘Exhibition only’ ticket per pupil (free admission for one accompanying teacher every 10 pupils)
  • €22.00 special Family ‘Exhibition only’ ticket (2 adults plus children under 18);
  • €11.00 ticket for the ‘Exhibition only’ special Family ticket (1 adult plus children under 18)

Free admission for the categories included in the current pricing list

Free admission to the Museo di Roma for holders of the ‘MIC Card’, and access to the Exhibition with the purchase of a reduced ‘Exhibition only’ ticket according to the above pricing

Holders of the ‘ROMA PASS’ can access the Exhibition by purchasing the reduced ‘Exhibition only’ ticket according to the above pricing



  • € 26.00 full ‘super cumulative’ ticket for residents of Rome who do not have a ‘MIC Card’; of which € 10.00 for the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), € 5.50 for the Museum and € 10.50 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’
  • € 22.00 ‘super cumulative’ reduced ticket for residents of Rome who do not have a ‘MIC Card’; of which €9.00 for the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), €3.50 for the Museum and €9.50 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’
  • € 27.00 full ‘super cumulative’ ticket for non-residents of Rome who do not have a ‘MIC Card’; of which € 8.00 for the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), € 10.00 for the Museum and € 9.00 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’
  • € 23.00 ‘super cumulative’ reduced ticket for non-residents of Rome; of which €9.00 to the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), €4.50 for the Museum and €9.50 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’
  • € 7.00 special school ticket for exhibitions only per pupil (free admission for one accompanying teacher every 10 pupils) of which €3.50 for the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), and €3.50 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’
  • € 30.00 special ‘Exhibitions only’ ticket for families (2 adults plus children under 18); of which €15.00 for the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), and €15.00 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’
  • € 20.00 special ‘Exhibitions only’ ticket for families (1 adult plus children under 18); of which €10.00 for the exhibition ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries), and €10.00 for the exhibition ‘Amano Corpus Animae’

Free admission for the categories included in the current pricing list.

Free admission to the Museo di Roma only for holders of the ‘MIC Card, access the Exhibition with the purchase of a reduced ‘Exhibition only’ ticket according to the above pricing.

Holders of the ‘ROMA PASS’ may access the Exhibition with the purchase of a reduced ‘Exhibition only’ ticket according to the above pricing.

Holders of the ‘Amano Corpus Animae’ Exhibition Ticket will be able to access the Exhibition of ‘Roma pittrice. Artiste al lavoro tra XVI e XIX secolo’ (Rome as a Painter. Women Artists at Work between the 16th and 19th Centuries) with the purchase of a reduced ‘Exhibition only’ ticket and vice versa from 28.03.25 to 04.05.25.

Purchase here: https://museiincomuneroma.vivaticket.it/#eventi

ALWAYS CHECK THE NOTICES page before planning your visit.

Amano Corpus Animae exhibition comes to Rome


Workshop & Meetings


    dal 28 marzo 2025 al 12 ottobre 2025
    Da Martedì a Domenica: ore 10.00 > 19.00
    Giorni di chiusura: lunedì, 1 maggio
    Ultimo accesso: 1 ora prima della chiusura.

    Biglietto “solo Mostra” intero: 13€
    Biglietto “solo Mostra” ridotto: 11€

    Museo di Roma a Palazzo Braschi, Piazza San Pantaleo 10, Roma